Reiki Classes

Reiki is a light-touch energy modality that brings, through the Reiki practitioner, the energy of the Highest Vibration of Love and Light.  Reiki assists with healing and balancing your “whole” self – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Reiki Level 1Learn the foundations of Reiki, beginning Reiki mediation techniques, and Reiki hand positions for self and others.  Receive a Level 1 attunement, manual and certificate.

Reiki Level 2Learn the first three Reiki symbols and mantras to empower, focus and harmonize your practice, techniques to send distance Reiki and techniques to increase your Reiki energy.  Receive a Level 2 attunement, manual and certificate, and information on becoming a Reiki practitioner.

Reiki Level 3/Master – This class is designed for students who wish to continue to explore their Spirituality in a deeper and more committed way.  This level opens you to move forward on your own Spiritual path, as well as in service to others in the way that feels uniquely right for you. You may wish to learn and integrate this level for your own life and practice, and/or may wish to teach and attune others to all levels of Reiki.  Learn advanced techniques of the Five Elements of Reiki, Usui Reiki Master symbol and mantra, plus Tibetan Master symbols, advanced knowledge of working with the “energy” body, how to create a thriving Reiki practice and how to teach and attune others for all levels.  Receive a Level 3/Master attunement, manual and certificate.

Contact Donna for class schedule and class rates. Students from other Reiki traditions are welcome, and each Reiki class has a prerequisite of the previous level.


Integrated Energy Therapy® Classes

**Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Levels, as well as other classes offered through the Center of Being.

IET® works with specific areas of your “whole” energy body to release energy blocks.  This is achieved using angelic guided energy directly with your human energy field.  This gently releases energy that may be holding you back from your soul purpose and allows for empowerment and joy with greater clarity for your life.

IET® Basic LevelLearn how to heartlink to the angelic realm and bring in their healing energy, how each primary human emotion “lives” in a specific area of our bodies, how to use the IET® integration points to clear these areas as you increase your intuition. Receive an attunement to your 1st and 2nd 12-Strand Spiritual DNA, an illustrated manual and certificate.

IET® Intermediate LevelLearn enhanced knowledge and techniques for working with the angelic ray for releasing energy blocks in the human energy field, as well as clearing mental and karmic energy. Receive an attunement to your 3rd and 4th 12-Strand Spiritual DNA, an illustrated manual and certificate.

IET® Advanced LevelLearn advanced IET® energy techniques for activating and manifesting your soul’s mission as you activate others, as well as clearing and activating the Soul Star Chakra. Receive an attunement to your 4th and 5th 12-Strand Spiritual DNA, an illustrated manual and certificate.

Healing Angels of the Energy Field – This angelic class is designed for you to learn how to connect with the Angels of the Healing Energy Field.  Learn the four-step process for developing your awareness and communication with all nine angels, as well as the angel to call in for various intentions of healing.  Receive an illustrated manual and certificate. There is no pre-requisite for this class.

Contact Donna for class schedule and class rates. Students from other IET® classes are welcome, and each IET® class has a prerequisite of the previous level.

Crystals Classes

**Introduction to Crystals

In this introductory workshop, you will become acquainted with the power and ability of crystals to assist you with the energies of the world around you.  Learn a brief history of the use of crystals, basic formations, crystals for protection, grounding and meditation, as well as choosing, cleansing and programing crystals.  Receive three crystals and an illustrated manual.

**Crystals and the Chakras

This class will take you on a guided journey into each of the seven “physical” chakras, as well as the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras. Learn how to balance and harmonize your chakras; crystals associated with healing and energizing individual chakras; and crystals for aligning and protecting your energy field. Receive a powerful crystal for meditation and an illustrated manual.

Contact Donna for class schedule and class rates. All classes are ongoing for private and group settings.

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