Our Energy Bodies

Our Energy Bodies

We talk about energy all the time.  People with no knowledge of any energy healing system use this word in phrases, e.g., “I like his/her energy!”  Or conversely, “There was something about the energy in the room that was not calm.”  Yet, do we really understand the meaning behind this word, and moreover, have a grasp on the complex energy systems that are in our bodies, here on Earth, and in our Universe?  

There is a subtle energy system within our human bodies.  This is our life force, or Spiritual energy. It is the energy that carries within us our sense of connection to ourselves, to others and to the world around us. This energy informs our physical bodies, feelings, thoughts, experiences, fears, hopes, dreams and our connection to our Spiritual Selves and far beyond. Each human being has an energy field that extends about 5 feet all around us.  The truth is that we are in constant communication with all of the energies that are in close proximity to our energy fields. We are completely connected to this planet, to each other, and all life on Mother Earth.  As our energy bodies revolve within the frequencies and vibrations around each and every one of us, we add to this collective with every breath we each take!  This is why it is so essential that we understand this on-going connection, and become more aware of how to maintain our sense of wellbeing, balance and protection.

You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience.  You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French philosopher and mystic, is credited with this powerful statement.  It is so vitally important that we understand how the energy within and around our bodies co-creates our experiences in all aspects of our lives. It is even more important to know how to balance and create wellbeing in our “whole” bodies, physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual, as this places us more securely on our Spiritual paths to being increasingly aligned with The Highest Vibration of Love and Light.  Source Energy. Universal Love.

This is where energy therapy works so beautifully to stabilize, balance and heal our entire energy bodies, our energy fields!  The first step is always to be more grounded into our Mother Earth.  As human beings we need this essential connection to the vibrating energy of this planet so that we are

in resonance and can be connected to the very place that we call home.  Ask yourself a few questions – Do you feel connected to your family, community and others? Do you have a sense of personal safety and security much of the time? Do you have naturally good energy levels and overall good health?  These answers will empower you to find your way to re-establish an anchoring into the energies that give us all life as we breath in the air, taste the water, smell the scents of nature, see the beauty of our Earth and with more awareness and intention to walk softly upon our Mother Earth – doing all of these amazing experiences with more love and care.

Peace and Love,


Donna Sweeney is an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) Master Instructor who channels the energy of Divine Love along with guided messages from the Angelic Realm. Reiki Master and IET® Master-Instructor in Yardley, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Bucks County area.

janineOur Energy Bodies
Asking for a Miracle

Asking for a Miracle

I am asking for a miracle, and I am asking for your help!  With recent events in our world it becomes more and more clear that we are at a critical point in our consciousness.  WE NEED A MIRACLE!  As I like to do, here is the actual meaning of the word “miracle” – “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”   How do we come to a place of believing that a miracle can and will happen for us all? How can we bear witness to more love, more connection, more justice, more peace in our world?  By believing in miracles!  By believing that we ARE the miracle!  By believing that each and every human being can and will remember the miracle within him or herself!  The greatest miracle of all is LOVE!

Deepak Chopra writes ” The shadow self seems like the opposite of love.  Actually, it is the way to love.”  When we feel anger, fear, pain, worry, doubt, hurt, a wish to take action against someone -even in our thoughts, we are creating more of these shadow emotions.  When we are able to take a breath, and to ask for a miracle in this exact moment of feeling more love rather than more of any shadow emotion, we are creating a miracle.

How can we find the miracles, and there are countless, within ourselves?  By excavating more self-love!  Deepak Chopra also writes “Self-love grows when we refuse to give into the impulses of anger and fear, and trust that the Universe is on our side.” How can we see others moving into a miracle if we do not allow ourselves to move into our own miracles each and every day?  Peace begins within.  Love begins within.  The greatest journey any of us will ever take is the journey within to our True Selves, our souls, our higher selves, our child within…whatever name you choose.  If we wish for more peace in the world around us then we need, we must, find more peace within our own selves and this energy will create shifts both subtle and greater than we are capable of knowing while remaining in our physical bodies.

We can change the tide of the shadow energies that some human beings are creating NOT by responding with more shadow emotion and energy.  Darkness is NOT cast out by more darkness.  Darkness is ONLY dispelled through the creation of Light.  We give fuel to the fire of those who are deeply embedded in their shadow selves when our response is more shadow emotion.  This is it!  This is the moment of asking for the miracle to happen, believing that the miracle has already happened! We can ask our Higher Power, in whatever way is right for each of us, to create within us this miracle of not turning away from the Light.  If we are not able to personally offer love, then perhaps we can move to a place of asking our Higher Power to shed more Love and Light on those who are cast in darkness.  The miracle is happening.  I believe this with all of my heart!  We will not ever know what part each of us plays in the greater vibration of our world, but we can shift our attention to what we know is a greater purpose!  In this way, we are not at all condoning any shadow energy, we are asking for a miracle to lift up the energies to a much higher vibration, and thus changing the course of action.

So, today and all days, I offer you a miracle!  I ask you to help create more miracles! With so many miracles needed for each of us and for our human family, we must take positive steps toward asking for more Light and Love to be shared with all of us in our human family.  So, the next time you begin to feel a shadow emotion I ask you to consider replacing it, asking for the courage to replace it, with love and hope that this Light and Love will expand and grow to create a new higher consciousness for every human being.  I am very humbly grateful for the miracle of YOU!

Peace and Love,


Donna Sweeney is an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) Master Instructor who channels the energy of Divine Love along with guided messages from the Angelic Realm. Reiki Master and IET® Master-Instructor in Yardley, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Bucks County area.

janineAsking for a Miracle
Intuition is our Birthright

Intuition is our Birthright

People are generally familiar with our sense of intuition, sometimes called our “sixth” sense. YET do we trust our own intuition fully…even half way…at all?  We are constantly receiving information from the world around us, as well as our conscious energy within us.  This continuous interaction can lead us to a “gut” feeling, a knowing, a hunch, a great creative idea, to name a few ways that our intuition is working for us.

Intuition is a birthright for ALL human beings.  At this time on our Earth, we are challenged to nurture this amazing energy as we are so “plugged in” to our electronic devices, and this takes us further away from our clear, powerful and immensely strong sense of intuition.  Our intuition comes directly from our Spiritual selves, and our human selves can be all too easily disengaged from our Spiritual selves throughout our day, our week our year.  Mindfulness is not just about being present, it is about going more deeply into the ideal of letting go of the past, present and future and simply BEING here, right now, breathing in and breathing out.  This is when we are truly engaged with our spiritual natures.

The word intuition originates from Middle English and is given the meaning of spiritual insight or communication.  Our intuition gives us the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for logical reasoning.  How often we do this so effortlessly, and yet how often we question ourselves, doubt ourselves and turn the volume lower?  We simply sense things, sometimes, and when we allow ourselves to be in the flow of this knowing, this feeling, our intuition needs no further prompting!  Our intuition can be quite unique in how we receive messages and we must believe and have faith in our own unique process.

How to accomplish this?  There is really only one way that I believe is the key to unlock this door into the infinite possibilities of connection to our True Selves – our intuition and that is with TRUST.  Trust can be something that can be very hard won.  We are so often quite ready to trust others before we allow ourselves to find a deep and abiding trust in our own hearts and minds.  Trust can be the acceptance of a truth often without the need of evidence.  Do we accept that we are being guided by a Higher Power? Isn’t that what Spirit is asking us to do everyday in every way?

Can each of us take small steps towards accepting the truth that we are spiritual beings who have amazingly accurate intuitions that need no evidence for us to begin to more fully engage and allow ourselves to grow and learn from?  We are all here to become more enlightened spiritually.   Trusting our intuition, just a little, then a little more, until we make friends and accept our powerful natural ability to perceive will happen when we do not need further conscious reasoning or evidence.  We simply flow with spiritual insight and communication.  How good we feel when we accept our spiritual nature and allow ourselves to trust!  Truthfully, yes, it takes courage, but the rewards are so worth it!

I truly hope that you feel you are awakening spiritually, and therefore opening to a deeper sense of trusting yourself as you journey inward.  The journey can take courage, but trust me, the rewards are beyond your imaginings!  As Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Peace, Love and Trust IN you!



Donna Sweeney is an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) Master Instructor who channels the energy of Divine Love along with guided messages from the Angelic Realm. Reiki Master and IET® Master-Instructor in Yardley, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Bucks County area.

janineIntuition is our Birthright