Our Energy Bodies

We talk about energy all the time.  People with no knowledge of any energy healing system use this word in phrases, e.g., “I like his/her energy!”  Or conversely, “There was something about the energy in the room that was not calm.”  Yet, do we really understand the meaning behind this word, and moreover, have a grasp on the complex energy systems that are in our bodies, here on Earth, and in our Universe?  

There is a subtle energy system within our human bodies.  This is our life force, or Spiritual energy. It is the energy that carries within us our sense of connection to ourselves, to others and to the world around us. This energy informs our physical bodies, feelings, thoughts, experiences, fears, hopes, dreams and our connection to our Spiritual Selves and far beyond. Each human being has an energy field that extends about 5 feet all around us.  The truth is that we are in constant communication with all of the energies that are in close proximity to our energy fields. We are completely connected to this planet, to each other, and all life on Mother Earth.  As our energy bodies revolve within the frequencies and vibrations around each and every one of us, we add to this collective with every breath we each take!  This is why it is so essential that we understand this on-going connection, and become more aware of how to maintain our sense of wellbeing, balance and protection.

You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience.  You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French philosopher and mystic, is credited with this powerful statement.  It is so vitally important that we understand how the energy within and around our bodies co-creates our experiences in all aspects of our lives. It is even more important to know how to balance and create wellbeing in our “whole” bodies, physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual, as this places us more securely on our Spiritual paths to being increasingly aligned with The Highest Vibration of Love and Light.  Source Energy. Universal Love.

This is where energy therapy works so beautifully to stabilize, balance and heal our entire energy bodies, our energy fields!  The first step is always to be more grounded into our Mother Earth.  As human beings we need this essential connection to the vibrating energy of this planet so that we are

in resonance and can be connected to the very place that we call home.  Ask yourself a few questions – Do you feel connected to your family, community and others? Do you have a sense of personal safety and security much of the time? Do you have naturally good energy levels and overall good health?  These answers will empower you to find your way to re-establish an anchoring into the energies that give us all life as we breath in the air, taste the water, smell the scents of nature, see the beauty of our Earth and with more awareness and intention to walk softly upon our Mother Earth – doing all of these amazing experiences with more love and care.

Peace and Love,


Donna Sweeney is an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) Master Instructor who channels the energy of Divine Love along with guided messages from the Angelic Realm. Reiki Master and IET® Master-Instructor in Yardley, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Bucks County area.

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